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International Science Festival 2023

13 oktober 2023 Kultur
Overblik 1086 gange

This year, the International Science Festival puts sport in the spotlights! From 6 to 16 October in mainland France and 10 to 27 November in oversea territories and abroad.

Cirad, INRAE, IRD and the permanent representation of France to the United Nations in Rome coorganise the third “International Science Festival: Agriculture - food - environment on 22 November from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm.


During the event, a webinar will talk about the Agenda 2030: scientific challenges of the sustainable development goals, importance of the research international initiatives, and post-2030 prospects.


The webinar will be in French, with English simultaneous translation.


Registrations are free of charge and already open.Register here now!

Science Festival: a popular and free event

The Science Festival is a popular and free event celebrating sciences, technology and innovation on all the territory. It is directed towards all audiences and contributes to fostering the sharing of knowledge between scientists and citizens.


Initiated by Hubert Curien in 1991 and organised by the French ministry of higher education and research, the International Science Festival offers thousands of original and participative events in France and abroad without discrimination.


It takes place every year in the first half of October in mainland France and in November in overseas and international countries.

During this event, thousands of scientists, teachers, cultural mediators and librarians share their enthusiasm and curiosity for science, technology and innovation with the public through a wide range of activities:  visits to laboratories to take a behind-the-scenes look at research, science cafés to learn over a drink, live shows to combine art and science, experiments in a fab lab to put science at your fingertips, or a stroll through the many science villages, real meeting places in the heart of the cities. There’s something for everyone, and there’s definitely something occurring in your area!

Science Festival abroad

All over the world, families, schoolchildren, students, science lovers and enthusiasts are sharing their passion for science at thousands of free events. Canada, China, Germany, the United States, Norway... In 2022, more than 50 events were organised internationally.


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