A look back in pictures on the Application Workshop
France Alumni has organised on Wednesday 14 December a workshop dedicated to applications. The 18 alumni present benefited from the expertise and advice of the Daradja association to bring value to their academic career before recruiters.
France Alumni offered the opportunity to a first group of alumni to join a workshop on how to create your resume and cover letter. This workshop was led by Daradja, an association following international students by helping them bring value to their academic recruiters and their skills before companies.
Eighteen alumni participated in this event especially organised for them on Wednesday 14 December in the Campus France premises in Paris.
The programme of this 2-hours work session included: tips and advice, sharing good practices and exercises to check how to write resumes and cover letters.
France Alumni continues to support alumni in their professional integration: new workshops are already planned in 2023.
To discover the events to come, feel free to check the agenda.

To know more about the Daradja association: https://www.daradja.fr/
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