Celebrating Science
et train du climat
Light and climate, guiding threads of the Fête de la Science
The 24th Fête de la Science (Science Celebration) will be held from Wednesday 7th to Sunday 11th of October and will celebrate light and its techniques through sound and light shows, 3D photos, photosynthesis and other.
During 5 days and throughout France, the Fête de la Science offers over 3,000 events, shows, exhibitions, conferences and open events.
As always when the issue is to explain science, professionals will use realistic applications and recreational practices to transfer their knowledge.
In addition, since is COP 21 will open soon, the 24th edition is the perfect opportunity to start the climate train that will go all around France.
Check out all latest info here: Fête de la Science
Start of the Climate Train
Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State in charge of Higher Education and Research, has unveiled on Tuesday 6th of October the Climate Train, in the presence of Ségolène Royal, Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.
A major event of the Fête de la Science 2015, the Climate Train, which has been initiated by a group of scientists, will travel across France from October 6th to 25th and will stop in 19 cities.
It will host an interactive and recreational exhibition on climate designed and entertained by researchers. Over 30 "climate messengers" researchers will be present during the event.
All information about the Climate Train.
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