#MaPlusBelleExperienceEnFrance photo contest: the winners!
07 December 2021
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Discover the winners of our photo contest #MaPlusBelleExperienceEnFrance!
Last September, Campus France and France Alumni launched the #MaPlusBelleExperienceEnFrance photo contest on Instagram and Twitter.
The objective of this contest was to share a picture of your best experience in France with a short description. The share photo could be a visit, an event, an activity with friends, a memorable time, etc.
We have checked 334 publications illustrating your best time in France! A huge thanks for your enthusiasm!
The 3 winners of the contest are:
- First place for Noel DA SILVA LUNDGREN, who wins a laptop;
- Second place for Maria Claudia CONTESSOTTO DA SILVA , who wins a tablet;
- Third place for Allan BRUSSOLO, who wins a ski holiday;
Because of the quality of the prizes, we’ve decided to grant a “Coup de Coeur” prize (Special Prize) to 3 participants. They all win a gift card!
Winners of the “Coup de Coeur” prize:
- 1st prize for Anastasiia SELIVERSTOVA;
- 2nd prize for Hammam MUJADID;
- 3rd prize for Samia MOREJÓN;
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