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Groupe ESEO - École Supérieure Électronique de l’Ouest Angers

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10 boulevard Jeanneteau
Angers - France


Engineering schools


PAQUES Pierre-Yves

See also


Founded in 1956 in Angers as a school of general engineering on the grande école model, ESEO has become one of France's leaders in information and commmunication technology. Now operating in Angers, Dijon, Paris, and Shanghai, ESEO provides top-quality training to more than 1,000 students each year. The choice of programs is wide: general engineer (master), specialist engineer (master), Mastère Specialized in Embarked Data processing and Electronics (in partnership with the SNCF), an MSc program taught in English, numerous joint research degrees with other French institutions, and joint programs and partners in Australia, China, India, the United States, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. ESEO has been accredited by France's national commission on engineering degrees since 1962. It is regularly recognized as one of the top 25 in France in its fields. It received the EUR-ACE mark of excellence in 2008.