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14 rue de Prony
Paris - France
Schools of business and management
The INSEEC Group takes its name from a school that was founded in Bordeaux in 1975 and began operating in Paris eight years later. INSEEC was and remains a new kind of business school that covered the full range of management functions and responsibilities. Today the INSEEC Group operates in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Chambéry-French Alps, Geneva, London and Chicago, the International University of Monaco (IUM), whose prestigious degrees include an Full-time and Online accredited Executive MBA, merged with INSEEC In 2010. Its educational approach incorporates the practices of traditional business schools, while also borrowing from the breadth of France's schools of politics and policy and expressing the conviction, drawn from psychology and the humanities, in the value of the well-rounded individual. INSEEC's principal diploma is accredited by the French government and is the equivalent of a European master. INSEEC is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.