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Launch of the Alumni Association of the French-Australian School in Canberra
l'association des Alumni de Telopea Park School

19 August 2015 Business
View 204 times

The launch of the Alumni Association of the Lycée Franco-Australien was held at the Ambassador's Residence at the Embassy of France on Wednesday 19 August.

The two current principals, Mrs Kerrie Blain and Mr Emmanuel Texier, the Embassy First Counselor, Mr Cédric Prieto, Head of Culture, Education, Science & Technology, Mr Eric Soulier, and the president and vice-president of the association Miss Isabelle Mellor and Miss Emilie Texier welcomed the 60 former students who gathered for the launch of the alumni association. Campus France and France Alumni information stalls were also present.

The association aims to value the educational experience given by the lycée Franco-Australien and “create a network of friendship and mutual aid between alumni around the world, facilitating communication and promoting the success of former students”.

You can watch videos of former students sharing their experience at the lycée in the association’s YouTube channel:

For more information about the alumni association, please visit: and

For further details, please contact: [email protected].


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