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28 August 2018 Business
View 98 times

International companies: how to set up in France?

France is the second host country for foreign investment in Europe: 20,000 foreign companies are active in France. How do they choose their form of implantation? Which structures accompany them?

Which form of location to choose?

Depending on the objectives it has set itself, an international company can choose between three forms of implementation in France. The liaison office makes it possible to study the market. It limits its activities to making contacts, to prospecting, to gathering information. The branch allows you to carry out a commercial activity but it is not legally distinct from the parent company.

With a subsidiary, the foreign company makes the choice to create an autonomous structure. The subsidiary is a French company subject to the same accounting, tax, legal and social obligations as any local company. These choices are not definitive. Nothing prevents us from opting for a lightweight solution and moving towards a more engaging form of implementation.

Support for international investors

To facilitate settlements, several organizations put their expertise at the service of investors. Among them, the French Agency for International Investment (AFII) is a key interlocutor. The IFA has a network of correspondents in more than 22 countries. They inform entrepreneurs in detail about the regulations applicable to the planned investment. They help them to identify the financial advantages existing at the regional and national levels of the French territory. They facilitate contacts with the State services. The AFII also makes its foreign partners available in French regions. These local actors manage the implantation aid and promote the emergence of new activities. The IFA also works with private sector organizations to promote France's competitive business advantages and provide a full range of investor services.


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