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Journée du Volontariat Français 2023

30 October 2023 Community
View 14 times

Journée du Volontariat Français (la JVF 2023) was celebrated in India on 19th October 2023 at the Auditorium, Embassy of France.

France Volontaires is celebrating French Volunteers’ Day (la Journée du Volontariat Français) in 24 countries around the world during the month of October 2023.


France Volontaires is an operator under the Ministry of Europe & Foreign Affairs, Government of France and is engaged in promoting the cause of volunteering to further international cooperation and solidarity across the globe.


The India edition of this event was celebrated on Thursday, 19th October 2023 at Embassy of France in India where Mr. Yasar AHMAD, Country Representative, France Volontaires India welcomed all the esteemed guest. The opening address was delivered by Mr. Thierry MATHOU, Ambassador - Designate of France to India, who shared his vision about the French – Indian roadmap towards a sustainable development by the year 2047 between two countries and the relevance of the selfless services contributed by the volunteers. He also highlighted the main theme of the JVF2023 - “Cross-Mobility, Reciprocity... for a Balanced Partnership”- and conveyed his supported towards increasing the volunteer mobility between both countries.


A panel discussion was held on the theme of “Cross-Mobility, Reciprocity... for a Balanced Partnership”, with distinguished panelist including Mr Emmanuel Lebruns-Damiens, Counsellor for Education, Science and Cultural (Embassy of France in India, and Director of French Institute in India), Mr. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Director - International Cooperation (Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India in India) and Mr. Sushil CHAUDHARY, Country Coordinator (United Nations Volunteers) which was moderated by Ms. Rajika SETH, Head- IDR Hindi, India Development Review.


The JVF2023 event in India witnessed robust involvement from volunteers situated across the nation, spanning governmental and non-governmental entities, civil society organizations, educational institutions, UN agencies, social entrepreneurs, students, and various stakeholders in the volunteering sector. The day gave to opportunity to delve into and harness the immense potential of the reciprocity mission, to enhance the mobility for Indian volunteers in France.


Reciprocity in volunteering, is a priority, particularly in India after the signing of Horizon 2047: Bilateral Agreement on July 14th 2023. JVF2023 has been successful in exploring future actions aimed at fostering reciprocity in international exchange and solidarity volunteering between France and Indian.


A former Reciprocity Volunteer to France (Ms Shagun Handa - Villeurbanne, Lyon: 2021-2022) hosted the event. Indian Volunteers Ms. Shilpi KISHORE (July 2022-April 2023) & Mr. Saksham KAPUR (July 2022-April 2023), who completed their reciprocity civic mission in France shared their experiences. Also Ms. Lucia DUPERRAY, VSI – (currently serving at French Institute of Puducherry), shared her amazing experience in India for the last two years.


It was followed by an interactive session handled brilliantly by Team of PRAVAH. They engaged the audience to collectively formulate the challenges faced in international reciprocity volunteering. Also, gathered feedback on how each participant could contribute towards the future actions.


France Volontaires will continue to develop more mission to strengthen partnerships and on the path of furthering the cause of Volunteering across the globe.


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