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[Alumni of the Month / October 2023] Somya Jatwani

30 October 2023 Business
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Somya Jatwani is an Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder who pursued her masters in CHOREOMUNUS: Dance, research, and Intangible Cultural Heritage. She is currently working as National Coordinator-CSR Projects at the French Institute in India.

Q: Could you please tell us more about yourself and what you are doing right now?


A: My name is Somya Jatwani, and I am currently working as National Coordinator-CSR Projects at the French Institute in India/Embassy of France in India. Since my post-graduation, I have been part of the French Embassy's educational and cultural services in India in various professional capacities. 


Further, I am an Erasmus Indo-French alumni of the program CHOREOMUNDUS. I pursued my masters in dance, research, and Intangible Cultural Heritage(ICH) organized by the French public university; Université Clermont Auvergne, in partnership with three universities from Norway, the UK, and Hungary.


Q: How do you think studying in France has helped you grow professionally/personally in life?


A: Studying in France has had a profound impact on my personal and professional growth. It introduced me to the world of cultural heritage and performing arts. This exposure has significantly shaped my career and personal development. 

During my time in France, I had the privilege of not only receiving comprehensive instruction in the core modules of my program but also had the chance to attend various academic research conferences on dance and cultural heritage. For example, I and my colleagues were invited to visit the French Government’s Center for safeguarding ICH- Maison de la Culture du Monde. Here, we participated in an intensive course and learned a regional French dance form. These experiences expanded my knowledge and appreciation of cultural preservation and further deepened my connection to the field.


Further, I also had the chance to attend the French language courses on-site, although, my courses were conducted in English. This was invaluable in the field of culture, where interpersonal connections and mutual understanding are essential. Speaking the language of the people we interacted with allowed us to delve deeper into their culture and lived experiences.


In summary, studying in France broadened my horizons, enhanced my language skills, and provided me with unique opportunities to delve into the world of cultural heritage and performing arts. It has been instrumental in my professional growth and personal development, enabling me to contribute to Indo-French cultural relations and excel in my chosen field today.


Q: What led you to choose France as your study destination? 


A: I chose France as my study destination for several compelling reasons that collectively made it an ideal choice for me. 

First and foremost, I had already been pursuing my bachelor's degree in French language and culture at Jawaharlal Nehru University, which gave me a clear understanding of the opportunities that France could offer. This prior exposure made me keen to explore France further.

Europe, particularly France’s robust commitment to arts and culture, was another crucial aspect that influenced my choice. The French government's significant interventions in these domains, coupled with the frequent cultural activities and programs across the regions, served as a wellspring of inspiration for me. Being immersed in an environment where dance and culture thrived enhanced my educational experience.


Another key factor that supported my decision was the Erasmus Mundus scholarship, which was offered by the EU Commission. What made it particularly attractive was that the coordinating university for my program was based in France. This factor further made me eligible for France job seeker/business creation visa on top of Five Year Alumni visa.


Furthermore, France's student-friendly policies, including the CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales), played a significant role in my decision. Offering discounts on various essentials such as transportation, food, and museum tickets; such measures helped alleviate the financial burden associated with studying abroad. Additionally, the opportunity to easily explore 26 other European countries with student discounts further strengthened the choice.


In summary, my decision to choose France as my study destination was shaped by my familiarity with its language and culture, the vibrant cultural scene, the student-friendly benefits that France offers, and the Erasmus Mundus scholarship made it a well-rounded choice for both my personal and professional growth


Q: Could you share some pros about studying in a different country?


A: Studying in a different country offers a plethora of benefits. Firstly, it can be a life-changing experience, fostering personal growth and a sense of adulthood as you navigate a foreign environment and take on responsibilities independently.


Moreover, studying abroad provides a unique opportunity to access the best education and teaching methods of that particular country. This kind of international exposure can be invaluable for personal and academic development.


Furthermore, studying in a foreign country can make you mentally and professionally stronger. It challenges you to experience and adapt to a new culture, work with local communities, and forge lasting relationships with people from all corners of the world. This immersion in a different culture and daily exposure to new experiences can be incredibly enriching and offer growth opportunities that conventional travel plans might not provide.


Q: Did you learn French before going to France? What piece of advice would you consider giving to students who are inspired to Choose France as their study destination?


A: Yes, I learned French before going to France. I would strongly recommend acquiring at least the basics of the French language. Beyond its practical use in daily life, learning French can serve as a key to unlocking cultural immersion and seamlessly integrating into the local way of life. It allows you to actively participate in French traditions and celebrations, and truly be a part of the rich culture that France has to offer.


Additionally, having some skills in the French language (which are sharpened further during one’s time in France) makes one a desirable candidate for jobs and internship experience in France, other Francophone countries as well as in India, which is home to more than 1000 French companies.


Q: You were one of our Alumni who took charge of the Alumni Booth during the Choose France Tour 2023 in Delhi, how was your experience?


A: I was pleased to be part of the Choose France Tour 2023 as an alumnus. Having previously benefited from this tour during my undergraduate days, I was well aware of how useful attending this event is as one gets to speak directly with representatives from various top universities in France. But an addition of the France Alumni booth, in my opinion, helps give a face/shape to what one’s future as a student in France looks like. Interacting with alumni like myself helps wipe out the fears one may build about one’s first experience studying abroad.


I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with and meeting a huge crowd of candidates working hard toward expanding their future possibilities.



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