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Dissertation Prize in Humanities and Social Sciences 2020

17 December 2019 Business
View 121 times

Call for applications for the PSL Dissertation Prize in Humanities and Social Sciences 2020

PSL launch a call for applications to reward the best doctoral work in five Humanities and Social Sciences fields : Art Aesthetics Literature; Law, economics, management; Humanities; Science / Humanities Interfaces; Social Sciences.

Send application packages before January 20, 2020.

For each dissertation awarded a prize of €5,000 will be granted:

  • A sum of €2,000;
  • €3,000 for a research stay in Paris for foreigners, at PSL's international partners for French;

The winners will give three seminars in three partner institutions of PSL.

ELIGIBLE THESES must have been defended between December 2018 and December 2019 in a French or foreign higher education institution. They can be written in one of the following languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian or German.


• The deadline for submission shall be January 20, 2020 at the latest

• The results will be published on PSL website by May 2020

• The awards ceremony will be held on 9th june 2020 by Dominique Méda, directrice du laboratoire IRISSO de l’Université Paris Dauphine - PSL

THE APPLICATION form must be sent by e-mail only to thefollowing address: [email protected]



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