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French Higher Education's investments for excellence

19 December 2018 Business
View 227 times

The international jury for the excellence initiative Idex/I-Site released an article on France's ambitious investment programme in Higher Education and its promosing results

Do you know about the French excellence initiative (IDEX) or the initiative Science/Innovation/Territories/Economy (I-SITE)? 

They are both part of the Investments for the Future Programme (PIA) and aim at creating academic and scientific groupings of excellence at the international level and improve French universities' ranking.

The international jury in charge of the evaluation of the competing universities has drawn some conlusions about these initiatives in the article "France’s Quest for Excellence in Higher Education" (Le Prestre and al, 2018) published in the Journal of the European Higher Education Area (2018). They observed that the Idex and I-SITE have brought profound transformation and that universities and Grandes Ecoles have started working together on strategies for their future.

Read the article (PDF, 306Ko)


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