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Euro2016 France-Romania

Groupe "Israel"

Next Friday, June 10 France will play against Romania for the kick-off game of the Europa Cup 2016. Join the event at the restaurant-bar La Mer, in Tel Aviv, to watch the game on the beach with us!

Let's share a friendly time before the kick-off and then support France all together.


  • A drink will be offered to all members of France Alumni, within the limit of tickets available.
  • Create your France Alumni account at the top right corner of this window and register as well for this particular event.

Please note that you will receive a confirmation email for your registration to this event and you will get a free drink only if your name is on the registration list on the day of the event.

For more information please email [email protected].

Friday 10th June 2016
09:00 PM
Registration deadline : 9th June
Bar La Mer
Tel Aviv
  • Free

Registration closed
On social medias

Bar La Mer

Tel Aviv


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Friday 10th June 2016
09:00 PM
Registration deadline : 9th June
Bar La Mer
Tel Aviv
  • Free

Registration closed
  • Add to my calendar