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France Alumni Israel official kick-off

Groupe "Israel"

 The Embassy of France in Israel invites you to the official kick-off event on July 13

S.E. Ambassador will welcome you for a warm and friendly reception. This will be a great opportunity to meet other alumni, share your experiences and start building up projects together. This event will also be the time to tell you all about the activities that are already being planned for the months to come.


Dear alumni, the maximum number of registration for this event has been reached. I invite you to contact me at this address: [email protected] to be added to the waiting list.


 More information: [email protected]

 Please note that this event is open within the limit of places available.

Wednesday 13th July 2016
06:00 PM
Registration deadline : 5th July
Tel Aviv - Jaffa
Tel Aviv
  • Free

Registration closed
On social medias

Tel Aviv - Jaffa

Tel Aviv


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Wednesday 13th July 2016
06:00 PM
Registration deadline : 5th July
Tel Aviv - Jaffa
Tel Aviv
  • Free

Registration closed
  • Add to my calendar