You are a pakistani national and you did a part of your studies in France, at any level, on any subject ? We want to hear your voice !
Dear Alumni,
This survey aims to establish an active connection with French Alumni from Pakistan, take some news and discuss ideas to celebrate & appreciate your contributions while inspiring young students to study in France.
For the very first time, the French government has declared 15th May as French Alumni Day to embrace and honor the French Alumni all around the world and their contributions to the society. The week (15th - 19th May) has been chosen to be celebrated as the first ever French Alumni Week. In this survey, you'll also be able to help us organise to best events to put the light on the french alumni contribution to the pakistani society and the world !
Please fill the form here (it will take you 5 to 10 minutes):
If you have not updated your profile on the France alumni Pakistan plateform, please do it !
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