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Back to video - Conference # 1 of the French Institute of Jerusalem and the French Institute of the Near East

14 October 2019 Culture
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On September 3rd, the first conference of this cycle took place in Bethlehem. Speakers Aurélien Denizeau (INALCO) and Abaher El Sakka (Birzeit University) were able to debate with the public on the theme "1919 in Europe / Middle East relations: a turning point?".

How does the First World War, the post-war peace treaties and the establishment of the British and French mandates mark a turning point in relations between Europe and the Middle East, both from a political point of view that cultural and social? An issue that has sparked a lot of discussion and lively debate.

See you on October 30 at 2 pm, Koury Room 104 at Birzeit University for the second conference-debate. It will focus on the theme "1919-2019, a century of relations between peoples." For the occasion, we will welcome Alexandre Mamarbachi (University Paris Nanterre) and Abdul Jawad Hamayel (Birzeit University).

Click here to learn more about the conference cycle!


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