Official Launch of France Alumni Philippines + Soirée Alumni 2015
Groupe "Philippines"
Bienvenue à France Alumni Philippines! We are pleased to welcome all of you to the growing community of French-educated Filipinos.
To confirm your attendance, click on "SUBSCRIBE" at the bottom of the page
Whether you spent a month learning French in Nice or you spent five years completing your PhD in Paris, you are invited to join France Alumni Philippines! The platform is open to all Filipino alumni of the French education system.
Signing up is easy - you can import existing information from your social media profiles, and it is accessible in a mobile-friendly version for your smartphones and tablets.
On your profiles, we highly encourage you to include important information about your academics in France; such as the name of your school/university, the program you finished, and the year of completion.
À bientôt à la Soirée Alumni 2015 ! See you soon at Soirée Alumni 2015!
See all events
Thursday 3rd September 2015
06:30 PM
- 10:30 PM
Registration deadline : 2nd September
1100 Campus Avenue, McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio
Taguig City
Registration closed
On social medias
1100 Campus Avenue, McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio
1634 Taguig City
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