Campus France offers theme groups, called discussion forums, to the France Alumni platform users. By accessing and using these discussion forums, you accept this charter, which defines your rights and obligations.
Your acceptance of this charter is a proof that you read its provisions and is considered an irrevocable acceptance of these.
Each user may create one or several discussion forum(s). The effective creation of discussion forums is subject to prior approval by local webmasters and administrators of the France Alumni platform.The creator of a discussion forum may request a linking of his/her forum to the page of each institutional player involved in his/her theme. Approval or rejection of the linking is decided by the institutional players. The discussion forum is only active after its linking to at least one entity.
You may usually access discussion forums on the France Alumni platform on a 24 hour/7 day basis throughout the year without this generating any performance obligation from Campus France. Campus France has the right, without prior notice, to temporarily close access to discussion forums to operate updates, modifications or any other change deemed necessary. Campus France is not responsible for damages of any kind that may result from these changes and/or of any temporarily or complete interruption of all or part of the forums.
In order to access discussion forums, you must have access to a terminal and telecommunication equipment necessary to connect to the Internet. Connection and telecommunication costs are at your charge. You must also have a valid email address.
Anyone who wishes to participate in discussion forums must first belong to the France Alumni Network by first creating a user account on the Alumni platform. Discussion forums are private groups. Their contents are only visible by members of the concerned forum. Access to discussion forums is operated through forums, by registration request sent to the forum creator that approves or not the participation of the user. Once registered, you must login using your login information and password specified during the creation of your user account to access discussion forums. Login and password are private, unique and personal. You are the only person in charge of their creation. The access to discussion forums requires prior acceptance of this charter.
Discussion forums of the France Alumni platform are fully owned by Campus France. Campus France owns all intellectual property rights regarding discussion forums (architecture, interface, organisation, etc.). You are granted the right of access to the forums by Campus France on a non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable basis for a use that must comply with the terms defined in this document. The right to use discussion forums doesn't grant you the right of transfer by any means.
The user of discussion forums transfers to Campus France, on a free-of-charge and exclusive basis, together with all relevant guarantees de facto and by right, all the intellectual property rights he/she may hold over the contents he/she has published on the discussion forums of the France Alumni platform.
The transferred rights include, pursuant to article L. 131-3 of the Code of Intellectual Property:
- reproduction right: the right to reproduce, without limitation of number, all or part of the contents published by the user on discussion forums, on any medium, including hard copy, optic, digital, electronic or computer medium;
- adaptation right: the right to adapt, change, create new versions of the contents published by the user on discussion forums, to maintain, mix, assemble, transcribe, manage, digitalize, shorten, condense, move, expand or assemble such contents;
- right of public performance: the right to represent, publish or make publish contents published by the user on discussion forums by any means and/or electronic, digital, computer, telecommunications supports, and all this for any audience and for any telecommunication network;
- right of use: the right to use and exploit the contents published by the user on discussion forums, either personally or on behalf of a third party, against payment or free of charge, for the purpose of operating any form or process, whatever the purpose;
- exploitation right: the right to reassign to third parties, in whole or in part, on any form, including by assignment, a licence, any sort of contract, regardless of its form, or all or part of the assigned rights over the contents published by the discussion forums user, either permanently or temporarily;
- destination right: the right to define the use and transfer of all forms of contents published by the user on discussion forums.
All aforementioned rights include all communication vectors and materials of any kind, including direct or indirect broadcasting by any electronic, telecommunication and electronic communication, satellite or cable, televisual form by over-the-air transmission, analogue or digital, whatever the form, such as television, radio, intranet, internet, ADSL, WAP, i-mode, GSM, GPRS, UMTS and all current and future materials such as paper, electronic, magnetic, disc, network, floppy disk, DVD, CDV, CDI, CD Rom, CD Worm material.
The rights mentioned in this article are transferred to Campus France free of charge as contents are provided on discussion forums, for all the duration of the protection of intellectual property rights, as indicated in the Code of Intellectual property and throughout the world.
Any partial or total exercise of any of these rights is prohibited without the express approval of Campus France and is a considered a counterfeiting punished by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Code of Intellectual Property.
You accept that Campus France or any other person or entity chosen by Campus France has the right to delete without prior notice and compensation any item in the discussion forums that would breach this charter, and more generally the laws and regulations in force. You accept that Campus France has the right to suspend, delete or restrict your access to the forums.
You accept that Campus France may be required to disclose all or part of contents and/or information related to you present on discussion forums or held by Campus France, including when required by laws and regulations in force, in the course of legal actions and to comply with competent authorities.
Following actions or contents are strictly forbidden (non-exhaustive list):
- actions or contents irrelevant with the purpose of the platform or the theme of the discussion forum;
- actions or contents breaching laws and regulations in force;
- actions or contents considered as defamatory, insulting, offensive and libellous, including:
- hateful, racist, xenophobic, paedophile, homophobic, revisionist actions or contents, or that could damage the honour or reputation of others, or threatening others,
- inciting discrimination, hateful towards a person or group, including on account of their belonging or not to an ethnic group, a nation, a race or specific religion, or approving war crimes or crimes against humanity, contrary with public orders or good behaviour,
- encouraging, helping, spreading or propagating by any means rumours and/or breaching the private aspect of correspondence,
- damaging the rights of third persons, intellectual property, privacy and right of image of a third person,
- harming minors,
- inciting to commit suicide or carry out violent actions against the user him/herself or other,
- inciting bad treatment and/or attack on persons or animals,
- actions or contents displaying religious or political beliefs in the contents of messages and communications, but also in aliases and signatures of the participants;
- actions or contents looking to use the group to commercial ends, or in general to offer products and services directly or indirectly remunerating a third person;
- actions or contents allowing third persons to obtain directly or indirectly hacked software, software serial numbers, software used to hack and enter IT systems, viruses and other logical bombs, and in general all software tools or other allowing to harm third parties' rights and other people's security and ownerships;
- actions or contents that would redirect Internet users directly (hypertext link) or indirectly to other web sites that might not comply with applicable law and this charter (particularly the provisions in this article), or that would encourage an access to the aforementioned websites;
- actions or contents using emails from other users or third persons to carry out spamming or other operation aiming at harming the normal operation of the group and other users' emails;
- actions or contents aiming at misleading other users by using their name (password and/or login);
- actions or contents aiming at carrying out actions with disruptive effect and/or preventing communication capacities in real time;
- actions or contents aiming at downloading, collecting, archiving personal and/or registered data regarding other users.
In the event of failure to comply with the provisions of this article, Campus France has the right to suspend access to the forum for the user and refer to the relevant authority.
In order to guarantee the best quality in communications and to protect users from inappropriate contents, forums are moderated. To this end, a moderation charter has been designed. To this end, messages are read after their publication. The moderator makes sure your contribution is adequate with the discussion theme of the forum, respects laws and regulations in force and that it allows a constructive debate.
The moderator has the right to:
- delete messages or documents published by the user on forums that do not comply with this charter or to the laws and regulations in force in general;
- suspend, delete or limit the access right to the discussion forums of the user due to a breach of this charter or to the laws and regulations in force in general;
- report inappropriate contents to the administration authority of the platform.
Every message is under the responsibility of its author. Any user may report a published content on the discussion forums that seems inappropriate, directly to the moderator or with a report form to Campus France services. .
Campus France has the right to modify and/or improve discussion forums. Campus France has the right to modify the access terms and conditions to the discussion forum both from the technical and financial point of view. In addition, Campus France has the right to permanently shut down one or several discussion forum(s), or all forums. Campus France has the right to modify this charter as much as is deemed necessary and useful. Campus France commits to transfer the new charter to the users. Any use of discussion forums by users after the modifications of this charter is considered as a user's acceptance to the new charter.
You are solely responsible for the retention and privacy of your login and of all data you transfer. You commit to take all necessary steps to ensure complete security. If your login is used to use discussion forums, you are the person to be irrefutably considered to use it. You are solely responsible for the use of discussion groups done under your login.
Campus France may collect personal data regarding users who wish to access the platform. This will only be achieved through the registration form. All the data collected by Campus France will be processed automatically. The data collected are compulsory to the processes and are intended for relevant services of Campus France and, if applicable, its providers and subcontractors.
Pursuant to the French legislation on the freedom of information of January 6th 1978 amended, users of the France Alumni platform have the right to question, access, modify, delete and oppose for legitimate reasons the use of their data by addressing an email to the Head of Information Services of Campus France by mail at: [email protected] or by postal mail at: Campus France, 28 rue de la Grange aux Belles – 75010 Paris, along with a copy of your identification document.
Without limitation of the following, you accept:
- to use the discussion forums at your own risk;
- that due to the Internet network structure, Campus France cannot guarantee that discussion forums will be available at all times;
- that Campus France's liability shall not be engaged in any form due to a wrong use or fraudulent use of the discussion forum by a third party;
- that, due to the fact that discussion forums contents are implemented by Internet users, Campus France shall not be held liable for the contents published.