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Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Francophonie competition !

30 November -0001 Culture
View 136 times

7 students learning French from Grade 8 to University level were successful in the 2015 competition "Dessinons la liberté"/ “Let’s draw freedom” and were awarded trips to France.

The Embassy of France in South Africa is proud to present the winners of the 2015 Francophonie competition: seven students from Roedean School, Woodridge Highschool, the University of the Witwatersrand, the University of the Free State, the University of Pretoria and the University of KwaZulu-Natal won linguistic trainings and short trips to Paris, the French Riviera and other places in France. Many other candidates won book prizes through the registration lottery.

The complete list of the 2015 Francophonie competition winners is available here.

The 2015 edition of the Francophonie competition again represented a platform of expression for South African and Lesotho youth on high-stake and widely discussed topics. Following the tragic terrorist attacks in France and all over the world over, “freedom” was selected as this year’s theme. The competition was supported by South African cartoonists and artists such as Zapiro, Jerm and ZA News-Puppet Nations, who exercise their freedom of expression and thus fulfill an important role in allowing the South African nation to reflect on its very essence.

We extend our congratulations to all participants - this year’s productions were outstanding!


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