France Alumni directory: how does it work?
The France Alumni directory offers a range of functionalities to facilitate networking: diversity of fields to fill during profile creation, advanced search engine, mailbox, etc.
Create and fill your profile
To view the directory, start by creating your profile and choosing a password.
To fill your profile, click on "modify my profile" in the login form:
- The "civil status" tab allows you to write a few lines to customize your presentation.
- Under the "resume" tab, thoroughly present your professional career: definition of the positions held currently or in the past, acquired skills, languages level. You may also upload your resume in PDF format.
- You may also import data from the professional networks LinkedIn and Viadeo to facilitate the process. This facilitates consistency with your digital identity, like the links to your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ profile.
- Control your profile view settings by checking the box next to each field.
Find the profiles you are interested in
The directory is accessible from the homepage. Once connected, you may proceed to two different browsing.
- For a "quick search", enter one or more words in relevance with the profile you are trying to identify.
- For an "advanced search", several criteria allow you to target your request: academic and professional data, etc.