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Women in Politics
L’Ambassade de France a organisé le 12 avril 2016 un débat sur le thème « Les femmes en politique » animé par cinq féministes passionnantes, suivi d’un concert de ‘The golden Voices’.

16 June 2016 Culture
View 61 times

High level debate organised by the French Embassy

French Embassy had the honour of welcoming five brilliant women for this debate, whom shared their experience and ideas with a dynamic public. The panel was composed of Anne-Cécile Mailfert, former spokesperson for the French CSO ‘‘Osez le féminisme’’ and founder of ‘‘La Fondation des Femmes’’, Aida Kiangi, East Africa Manager at Wind Lab (global wind energy development company), Victoria Mandari, lawyer and chairperson of the Gender Forum Coalition(GFC) and Mary Rusimbi, director of the Women Fund Tanzania. Maria Sarungi Tsehai, communication expert, energetically moderated the debate.

Thanks to a ‘tweet wall’, the public was able to interact instantly with the panel: #womentinpolitics / #femmesenpolitique.


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