The ALUMNI DAYS in BOSTON, October 12-14, 2018
The Consortium of Central Associations and Supelec
After New York, San Francisco, San Diego ... Graduates of Central and Supelec Schools are invited to Boston's Alumni Days! The program focuses on entrepreneurship and is highlighted by various engaging activities such as cocktail hours, business breakfasts, invitations to discussions, etc ...
The event is open to all the Alumni of Central and Supelec schools, and more broadly, to all graduates of major schools such as EM Lyon, HEC, Mines, Polytechnic, and many others.
Graduates will have the choice of taking part in one of seven local visits proposed for the occasion: Lucy Steinert (HEC) will present the world's largest start-up incubator Mass challenge; Amal Tiss (Supélec) will host the Gordon Center, which is a research laboratory on biomedical technologies and a training and study center for Harvard Medical School; Henry Gazay (ECL) will be in charge of the Northeastern New Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Complex; Christian Olivier (Polytechnique) will present Sigfox, the world leader in the connectivity of the Internet of Things with the slogan "Make things come alive"; Henry Gazay will lead the visit of the Hyperloop Lab in Northeastern, Adrien Nussenbaum (HEC) will be in charge of Mirakl, a flagship of the French Tech (established in Boston 3 years ago) which develops a SaaS marketplace platform for large retailers, distributors and industrial manufacturers. Finally Denis Lussault (Arts et métiers) will present Balyo, a company developing transport and load carrier robots like deliveries, revolutionizing the work in warehouse.
October the 13th will be an equally busy day! Structured around a "business breakfast" with presentations and testimonies of diverse and varied Alumni experiences such as those of Inès Ye of the Central School of Beijing who will talk about her position at Capgemini Consulting and MIT Sloan, or Brahima Soukouna from HEC and Harvard, an Intellectual Property Law Advisor, who will discuss the need to incorporate Blockchain technologies into data protection. Talks will also be conducted by renowned directors and representatives such as Marc Onetto, President of the Lyon-US Foundation for Education or Michel-Louis Prost, ACL President representing all Inter-Centrale/Supélec Alumni.
The second part of the day will include discussions on important topics so that real exchanges of ideas and thoughts take place: Quantitative finance and the capital market, the necessary tools for the development of sustainable projects for transportation in the US, the challenges of robotics, the projects of the Centrale School, the roles of the Lyon-USA Education Foundation, researches on Blockchain technologies in the health and pharmaceutical fields ...
The day will conclude with a networking dinner, segueing into an optional day of tourism on Sunday, for those who wish to register for a visit of the city of Boston organized by the Franco-American Chamber of Commerce (at a cost of $ 25)
Good Alumni Days to all!
For more information and especially to register, visit Eventbrite:
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