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Ecole normale supérieure Paris-Saclay


In 2021-2022, ENS Paris-Saclay welcomes more than 350 international students and doctorates from 63 different nationalities. Several events are then organized to develop multicultural exchanges.


Since 2018, international students have participated in the realization of an annual multicultural event supported by the international relations department, ranging from the creation of international recipe books to the publication of a collection of stories and legends.

Each year, the students also meet in December to celebrate the end of the year around a good meal and exchange a few gifts. In January, to celebrate the start of the new year, they meet to taste the traditional galette des rois.

This multicultural aspect, underlined in the criteria of the Bienvenue en France Label obtained with 2 stars in 2020, is an important element of inclusion that the School tends to promote throughout the year by organizing events, whether cultural, sports or festive.

Despite the health restrictions imposed by COVID 19, exchanges were maintained remotely. Thus, 17 students produced in 2021 an international collection of tales and legends

2nd edition of the "Collection of International Stories and Legends"

Each year, the International Relations Department of ENS Paris-Saclay compiles and distributes an international cultural exchange booklet thanks to the contributions of its international students whether they are enrolled in a master's degree, a doctorate, an international exchange or an Erasmus stay. 

  • You will find 15 different nationalities among the 63 nationalities represented at ENS Paris-Saclay.
  • More than 30 stories were collected from the 4 corners of the world, between Algeria, India, Italy and Venezuela.


We warmly thank Yifan, Genxiang, Sieka, Jianhong, Anastasia, Magin Benedict, Kasidapa, Adriana, Hai Linh, Yousra, Qisheng, Francesca, Shikhar, Yi-Hong, Benjamin-Hieu, Naheed et Giann Karlo for their interest and participation. 

We hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed doing it.
Good reading to all! 

In 2021-2022 ENS Paris-Saclay in the international scope is:
350 international students and doctorates
14% of international students registered at ENS Paris-Saclay
63 nationalities
73 international partners in 38 countries
70 Erasmus partners

An international comeback

Arrived for master's degrees or even a doctorate, the 156 selected international students have met the students from ENS Paris-Saclay on the campus of Cachan.

Students from all five continents


They mainly come from Africa and Asia but all continents are represented under 42 countries overall.

A Colombian student from the Monabiphot master's program 'In France since last year, I have met other students from the Monabiphot program, meet my friend from Vietnam'. This Monabiphot program (Molecular Photonics for Bio and Nanotechnologies) proposed by the Department of Physics is always a keen interest.

An Indian student has known ENS Paris-Saclay thanks to some of his friends, another one is in his second year of PhD in the LSV laboratory in computer sciences (Specification and Verification Lab).

An international opening


All of ENS Paris-Saclay's departments and laboratories host these international students in all the scientific fields proposed in the engineering sciences, the fundamental sciences and the humanities and social sciences.

The majority of students come to pursue their studies at the M2 level (44%) and PhD (35%) in the context of exchange programs, funding programs such as Erasmus, ENS Paris-Saclay international scholarship program, Université Paris-Saclay scholarship program or as free movers.


4 avenue des sciences
Gif-sur-Yvette - France




Stéphan-Evain Catherine
Directrice des relations internationales
Service des Relations Internationales


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Centre de formation et de recherche ouvert sur l'international et la pluridisciplinarité, l'ENS Paris-Saclay offre aux étudiant-e-s un contact précoce immersif avec la recherche et mobilise les laboratoires dans leur parcours de formation en sciences fondamentales, en sciences humaines et sociales et en sciences pour l'ingénieur. Le Diplôme de l'ENS Paris-Saclay, qui se prépare en quatre ans, porte l'ambition d'amener les normalien-ne-s vers le doctorat. 

En 2020, l'Ecole s'est installée sur le plateau de Saclay, à 30km de Paris, dans un bâtiment innovant et bioclimatique conçu par l'architecte de renommée mondiale Renzo Piano. Elle se réinvente avec la mise en place des départements d'enseignement et de recherche, la création de nouveaux laboratoires et son programme d'excellence de PhD track

Au sein de l'Université Paris-Saclay, l'ENS coordonne la graduate school des métiers de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur. L'Université Paris-Saclay est le premier établissement français à entrer dans le "Classement de Shanghai" (ARWU) en 2020 dont elle occupe la 14e place mondiale. Elle est la 1ère mondiale en mathématiques, 9ème mondiale en physique et fait partie des 50 meilleures universités au monde dans pas moins de 25 disciplines.