Conferences Dr. Marion and Dr. Seo- October the 5th
Groupe "Corée"
Gravitational waves: listening to the cosmic whisper’ & Dr. SEO Seon-hee: ‘The Ghost Particle’
Conferences Dr. Marion and Dr. Seo - October the 5th
Seoul Science Center (science hall) - 7 PM: Dr. Frédérique MARION: ‘Gravitational waves: listening to the cosmic whisper’ & Dr. SEO Seon-hee: ‘The Ghost Particle’
Profile of Dr. Frédérique MARION
Dr. Frédérique MARION is a research director at CNRS. She has been working on gravitational waves and the Virgo Experiment since 1993. She was co-head of the joint analysis group of LIGO and Virgo between 2006 and 2012, whose objectives was to detect gravitational waves. Dr. MARION has been head of the Virgo group at the particle physics laboratory of Annecy (LAPP) of CNRS since 2005. She was part of the LIGO-Virgo joint detection committee that validated the first observation of gravitational waves, made in 2015 and published in 2016. She won in 1998 the CNRS bronze medal and the CNRS silver medal in 2017.
Conference Title: Gravitational waves: listening to the cosmic whisper
Gravitational waves are tiny ripples in space-time, predicted by Einstein and generated in extreme astrophysical events like black hole mergers. Detecting them was a long-time dream finally coming true since 2015, with highly sensitive large-scale interferometers revealing several spectacular sources. Gravitational waves provide scientists with a new cosmic messenger that, combined with others, helps unravel the mysteries of the Universe.
Profile of Dr. SEO Seon-Hee
Before Dr. SEO Seon-Hee moved to IBS CUP (Center for Underground Physics) in March, 2018, she was a Brain Korea Assistant Professor at Seoul National University, Department of Physics and Astronomy. She obtained her Ph.D. in 2004 from University of Minnesota working on Fermilab fixed target experiment, E835, studying charmonium. After then Dr. Seon-Hee Seo had been working on IceCube neutrino experiment at Penn State University as a postdoctoral researcher and later at Stockholm University as an assistant professor, pioneering astrophysical tau neutrino search. She then moved to Korea and had been working on RENO (Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation) experiment since 2012 and playing a critical role in RENO experiment. Dr. SEO Seon-Hee also proposed “the Hyper-K 2nd detector in Korea” in 2016 and the Hyper-K collaboration officially accepted it, and since then she has been leading “the Hyper-K 2nd detector in Korea” group. In IBS CUP, Dr. SEO Seon-Hee is co-leading the NEOS (Neutrinos Experiment for Oscillation at Short Baseline)-II experiment to search for sterile neutrinos. She is the first Korean physicist receiving “FKPPL (France-Korea Particle Physics Laboratory) Korean Female Scientist Award” in 2018.
Conference Title: ‘Ghost Particle’
The Neutrino is a fundamental particle in our universe like quarks and electrons. We live in the sea of neutrinos produced from Big Bang, Sun, and Supernova burst etc. Unlike photons (light) neutrinos interact very rarely so that it is very difficult for us to even know they exist. Sometimes they are also called “the ghost particles of the universe”. Neutrinos come in three flavors: called electron, muon and tau neutrinos. They change their flavors when they travel from one place to another and back again. One can imagine a vanilla ice cream cone here, travels and changes to strawberry ice cream cone over there. How mysterious is that? This is called “neutrino oscillation” and this has been experimentally observed and Nobel Physics Prize in 2015 was awarded to the experiments which discovered neutrino oscillation. In this talk, Dr. SEO Seon-hee will introduce the mysterious neutrino and relevant experiments.
For inscription: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdb-psd6CK0OrmOhMhIPoxvew8xSJZoEC0XEHs3df90ILPpYA/viewform
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Jeudi 27 septembre 2018
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160 Bisukro Hangul Nowongu Seoul
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