Tujuh saran untuk menemukan kerja magang di perusahaan
Setiap siswa dianjurkan untuk melakukan kerja magang selama masa studinya: ini merupakan aset yang menentukan untuk masuk ke dunia kerja. Namun bagaimana caranya menemukan kerja magang yang sesuai dan memungkinkan kita mendapat tawaran kerja tetap sesudahnya?
Bidik pencarian Anda
Meskipun kerja magang adalah cara untuk mengenal dunia profesional, Anda tetap harus menemukan keseimbangan yang tepat antara eksplorasi pimpinan baru dan konsistensi dengan studi Anda. Setelah itu, para perekrut akan melihat Anda berdasarkan keberagaman dan konsistensi pengalaman Anda.
The objective of an end-of-studies internship is professional insertion. Don't limit your searches to big companies: SMCs are the main job suppliers in France. Their structure encourages the sense of initiative and allows to access responsibilities faster.
Use your contacts
To get an internship, cross out no leads. Think by circles:
- in your institution, ask alumni associations, teachers, the department in charge of the internships;
- aggregate sources of information: go to website such as the CIDJ ("Centre d’information de documentation pour la jeunesse", Centre of information and materials for the young), studyrama-emploi.com, un-stage.com… and of course the France Alumni directory. Go to forums, information days and other events oriented towards employment for the young.
Take special care to build your resume and cover letter
The Resume and cover letter are useful to convince a company that will train you that you can bring something more.
- Be precise: find out how your target company works. Identify everything in your profile that matches the specificities of this company.
- Be concise: the resume and cover letter must not exceed one page each. Choose an organisation by paragraphs for the cover letter and a clear page layout for your resume.
- Be determined: don't hesitate to call by phone. Having a direct contact in a company sometimes allows to be noticed among the crowd of other applicants.