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De Gaulle in Ireland, 1969

15 juillet 2019 Affaires
Vue 88 fois

This year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of De Gaulle's visit to Ireland. 'A Quiet Holiday' to rediscover with this article in History Ireland from Sylvie Kleinman and a photographic exhibition.

In the July/August 2019 issue of the History Ireland magazine, read the article from Sylvie Kleinman, Visiting Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, to learn more about the visit of the former French President Général De Gaulle's holidays in County Kerry in June 1969.

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If you visit county Kerry this summer, don't forget to visit the exhibition 'A Quiet Holiday' in Sneem, 24 original photographs of De Gaulle's visit, visible in the actual city where he stayed during his holiday.

The original exhibition was conceived by Isabelle Galy-Aché and produced by the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris with the support of the Fondation Charles de Gaulle, the Ireland Fund of France and the Kennelly Archive.


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