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Contest for the best picture of the start of class

21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017 Κοινότητα
Μορφοποίηση 454 φορά/ες

Are you an international student?

Then you can join the contest and try to win an airline ticket!




  • Who can participate?

The contest is open to all international students living in France and registered in a French higher education institution in 2017.

  • What conditions?

- Send a picture of a place, a moment, an object, a person, a personal creation (object, sculpture, painting and more)

- The picture must relate to the start of your academic year.  The picture must illustrate a significant moment you have experienced or are currently experiencing since you arrived in France

-  Publish your contribution on the Facebook platform

  • What prizes?

The first three prizes are

1st prize: 1 single-return airline ticket from Paris to the country of origin of the winner, in economic class.

2nd prize: a week-end in France

3nd prize: a day in Versailles


I want to participate


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