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Solidarity development: the French Development Agency approves 18 new NGO projects

25 février 2021 Affaires
Vue 1918 回

The French Development Agency has just awarded 18 million euros in grants to 18 French NGOs for the implementation of new programmes. These projects provide concrete responses to major international challenges: the development of agro-ecology, access to food security, the preservation of natural resources, and support for human rights.

"For a common world". This formula, which opens Agence Française de Développement's (AFD) website, summarizes all its actions which aim to finance and support "transitions towards a fairer and more sustainable world". Climate, biodiversity, peace, education, urban planning, health, governance: these are some of the major sectors in which AFD teams are involved with the piloting of over 4000 projects in 115 countries to date. AFD's NGO Committee meets regularly to decide on new programs and endow them financially in the form of loans or grants.



On 8 February last, AFD therefore chose to support 18 different projects with a global budget of over 41 million euros to subsidize them. AFD uses grants to finance actions in the social sector (health, education), rural and urban development initiatives and infrastructure projects.

These projects fall into two main categories: "field projects" and "general interest projects".


Field projects, geographically targeted projects


Among these projects, several types of programmes related to very specific geographical situations can be identified and classified.

The fight against poverty and the management of natural resources


Poverty alleviation and natural resource management are among the priorities, with grants awarded, for example, to :

- SOS Sahel International France, for a project reconciling natural resource management and agro-sylvo-pastoral activities in the Sahel ; 

- TAPSA, for a programme in five regions of the world to support the development of agro-ecological practices;

- Terre solidaire, to strengthen a production system based on sustainable agricultural practices and adaptation to climate change in Cuba;

- Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders, for a programme to promote peasant farming and strengthen animal health systems in Africa and Asia.


Actions in favour of health, education and citizenship


Actions in favour of health, education and citizenship have also been approved, among others:

- Les Puits du désert, for an action to fight against the marginalisation of women in Niger, by contributing to their training and education;

- The Secours Populaire français, with a project to strengthen civic engagement paths for young people in East Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories ;

- Aide et Action, for an action project for citizenship through education in Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo).


Projects of general interest, for a more global action


Among the projects of general interest, more global in scope and less geographically targeted, there are two main themes carried by different NGOs.


The struggle for human rights 


The struggle for human rights figures prominently, with grants awarded to :

- The engineering school of the University of Strasbourg, for a project that aims to build and promote a culture of abolition of the death penalty ;

- Prison Insider, for the Archipel programme, which aims to link organisations working for the rights and dignity of prisoners around the world.


Solidarity and citizenship education actions


Solidarity and citizenship education actions are also included in the list of prize-winning projects:

- Frères des Hommes, for a support system for citizens committed to a fairer and more united world;

- ODDyssée, with a project on migrations that "make the world move", an education programme for better international solidarity;

- Cartooning for Peace, so that the press cartoon is committed to a more just, sustainable and united world.


Know more:

-NGO projects supported by the AFD


Photo credit: ©puckillustrations –


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