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International Science Festival | A webinar focused on the challenges we face with water worldwide

CIRAD, INRAE, IRD and the permanent representation of France to the United Nations in Rome are co-organizing the fourth edition of the International Science Festival: Agriculture – Food - Environment, focused on the challenges we face with water worldwide. Join us on 29 November from 13h to 15h30 (French time).

The "International Science Festival: Agriculture – Food - Environment" is back for its fourth edition, this year on the theme: "Water, from its sources to the ocean".

Find out all about scientists’ contributions to the global challenges of water risk management, the preservation of freshwater resources and marine ecosystem with 12 European and International experts.

Program :

12:55 PM: Film "Imagine a world 4°C warmer" 

Film produced by the Partenariat Français pour l’Eau (PFE) and Initiatives pour l’avenir des grands fleuves (IAGF).
Directed by Kader Alihadef and Thaïs Beaussé.

1:00 PM: Opening

- Céline Jurgensen, ambassador, permanent representation of France to the United Nations in Rome
- Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE: "2024-2026, decisive years for water".

1:15 PM: Session 1 "Observe and anticipate"

Moderator: CIRAD 

- Floods and flooding: working together to anticipate and prevent flood risk - Maria-Helena Ramos, INRAE 
- Qualifying hydro-climatic extremes - Yves Tremblay, IRD 
- Groundwater: a solution to combat droughts? Lessons from semi-arid regions - Sarah Tweed, IRD 
- Long term hydrological projections: Explore 2 project - Eric Sauquet, INRAE 
Q&A [10 min]

1:45 PM: Session 2 "Managing water resources and preserving quality"

Moderator: IRD 

- The challenge of water in arid regions: the Massire project - Nicolas Faysse, CIRAD 
- Agroecology and water resilience for sustainable food systems - Olivier Lepiller, CIRAD
- Nature-based solutions to preserve quality - Julien Tournebize, INRAE 
- Large tropical rivers, the impact of climate change and their role on oceans - Jean-Michel Martinez, IRD 
Q&A [10 min]

2h30 PM: Film "Flora Artzner, agricultural engineer and word Wingfoil champion"

2:35 PM: Session "Seas and the ocean: maintaining sustainable ecosystems"

Moderator: Flora Artzner 

- The French Ocean Observing System (FrOOS) Lucie Cocquempot, Ifremer 
- Traditional fishing – deep sea fishing and fish, comparing views Marc Léopold et Julien Barde, IRD 
- Impact of climate on fishing and aquaculture - Pierre Petitgas, Ifremer 
- 2025 UN Ocean Conference – what scientific issues are involved? - Chiraz Talbi, Ifremer
Q&A [10 min]

3:15 PM: What governance for the continuum "Water, from its sources to the ocean?"

- Moderated by Raoul Mille, scientific advisor for the permanent representation of France to the United Nations in Rome
- François Houllier, Chair and CEO of Ifremer
- Valérie Verdier, Chair and CEO of IRD
- Elisabeth Claverie de Saint-Martin, Chair and CEO of CIRAD

Tuesday 29th October 2024
12:00 PM - 05:00 PM (GMT +2)


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Tuesday 29th October 2024
12:00 PM - 05:00 PM (GMT +2)
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