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Launch of the France Alumni Gabon network

16 February 2018 Community
View 520 times

For a better follow-up and contact of Gabonese former students and interns

The official launch of the France Alumni Gabon platform was held on February 13 at the Résidence de France, followed by a "Discovery morning" on February 14 at the French Institute in Gabon.


The official launch was marked by the speeches of the Ambassador for France in Gabon, of the Minister for SMEs, Domestic Entrepreneurship and Insertion of the Young and the General Director of Campus France.


The France Alumni network is in full expansion and now gathers about 125,000 members in 120 countries, and we are delighted to greet Gabonese alumni.



 Here is also the story of Roland Ulrich Guissony, Alumni, electronic technician and IT technician, who is prepared a project of company creation with innovative solutions in solar power renewable energies designed to answer the needs of the African market.



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