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Building Fund for the Alliance Française in Canberra
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29 June 2015 Business
View 57 times

 The Alliance Française has been operating from its current building in Turner since 1973. It is the first center in Canberra where people of  all ages come to learn French and discover French and Francophone cultures in an enjoyable environment.

 To provide quality experiences and services to its students, members and staff, the Alliance Française in Canberra must continue to  develop, modernise and maintain its premises.

 The Alliance Française de Canberra Building Fund was created to help meet the challenge of raising the estimated  $800,000 needed to modernise and upgrade the Alliance Française. The Building Fund aims to raise $200,000 over  the next two years so work can begin on covering the existing courtyard to provide additional space for teaching activity and a bigger hall. In addition to its donations program the Building Fund is offering a limited number of sponsorship opportunities.

Make a donation online

You can help by making a donation to the fund – every little bit contributes to keeping the Alliance Française in Canberra in top condition.

Donations to the Building Fund of $2.00 or more are tax deductible.



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