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Two French Nobel Prizes in 2014
Patrick Modiano : Nobel de Littérature, Jean Tirole : Nobel d'Economie

29 January 2015 Business
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Two Frenchmen have been awarded the Nobel Prizes in Literature and in Economics

The Nobel Prize in Literature goes to Patrick Modiano

On October 9th, 2014, the Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature to Patrick Modiano. This is a crowning event for the much-beloved author of La place de l'étoile (1968). Patrick Modiano was previously awarded the 1978 Goncourt Prize for his sixth novel, entitled Rue des boutiques obscures.
Patrick Modiano is the 15th French writer to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, in keeping with a long line of French intellectuals including Henri Bergson, Albert Camus and Claude Simon. France is the most decorated country in this category.

Jean Tirole receives the Prize of the Bank of Sweden

On October 13th, 2014, French researcher Jean Tirole was awarded the Prize of the Bank of Sweden in Economic Sciences, commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics.
The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to him in recognition of his internationally-celebrated work on the financial crisis and regulation in network industries and the banking system.

Jean Tirole, a member of the Conseil d’analyse économique [Economic Analysis Council], is the founder and President of the Toulouse School of Economics, whose influence is borne out by this distinction.

Jean Tirole is the 3rd Frenchman to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics, after Gérard Debreu in 1983, and Maurice Allais in 1988.


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