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[Alumni of the Month / September 2023] Sharl Pear

03 October 2023 Community
View 641 times

Sharl Pear is a master's graduate from The Design Village, Noida who pursued his master's semester exchange program at “L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique", France in Media Design. He currently works at The Design Village, Noida as an executive affairs associate.

Q: Could you please tell us more about yourself and what you are doing right now? 


A: I am an Indo-French Alumni, I pursued the master’s exchange semester program last year at “L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique” in Media Design. Presently, I hold the position of design-associate executive office at The Design Village, Noida. My responsibilities at The Design Village range from handling communications and facilitating international as well as national collaboration opportunities, to ensuring a healthy fair of entrance examination. 


Q: How was your experience in France and how do you think studying and staying in France has helped you grow professionally/personally and be who you are today?


A: Studying and staying in France was a great experience. It has played a major role in developing my communication, artistic, and the designing skills. The course “The Media Design”, I pursued played a pivotal role in enhancing my design aesthetic values and communication skills, which are extensively used in my current role. Delving into my course, media design refers to media designing or can be also termed as designing medium of mass communications, the course is focused on studying how to communicate with the diverse genre of public through optimal method; including but not limited to print media, virtual reality, film, documentary, etc.


In addition to my curriculum, being among the different groups of students, who come from different backgrounds, countries, and religions has allowed me to develop the skills to communicate effectively with different people. 


Furthermore, my school campus was the hub of innovation. For instance, gazing out of the classroom window, I could see the main hall, Agora, where a constant stream of creative individuals inspired me. Witnessing people passionately engaged in creative projects served as a source of motivation and creativity during my time at the institution. 


All these factors have helped me shape my career and to be what I am today. 


Q: What led you to choose France as your study destination?


A: When envisioning Europe, its rich history, captivating culture, and aesthetic value come to one’s mind. France, in particular, stands out as one of the world's famous artistic nations, making it an ideal place for artistic and design-related academic pursuits. Additionally, my decision was greatly influenced by other factors such as the affordable cost of living in France for students. The cost of meals, transportation, and museum visits is very student-friendly, and the financial assistance provided by the CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales), which aids in lowering the rent amount, is an added benefit.


Moreover, France offers a plethora of scholarships, further solidifying its status as the ultimate study destination for students. These factors collectively made France an optimal choice for my educational journey.


Q: What would you like to tell the students who are considering pursuing communications/media communications in France or thinking of choosing France as their study destination in general?


A: To all the aspiring students looking to pursue studies in my domain in France, I want to convey that there's a wealth of inspiration awaiting you in France. Whenever I see the artistic works of the French, I'm always amazed by the infusion of humor and elegance in their creations. These artistic works have significantly shaped my artistic values outside of my academic curriculum and I am sure that can help you too. 


Further, the schools offer an array of resources to their students; I strongly advise you to take benefit of all the resources to enrich your educational journey. France has much to offer, both within and outside the classroom—immerse yourself fully.


Apart from that, in general, I would like to advise the students who are planning to commence their studies in September, that secure their accommodation at the earliest before reaching France. By doing so, you'll arrive prepared and can immediately focus on your academic pursuits. 


Q: What difference did you feel in the teaching/learning method in France? Could you share some pros about studying in a different country?


A: I felt the major difference lies in the method of teaching and the curriculum. You will always be provided with tasks to be performed in the team that allows you to develop the team working skills. Apart from the general curriculum, there were courses dedicated to personal development, marketing, and the French language. The skills developed through these extra courses remain essential no matter what field you are in. Also, some specialized skill-based courses would be carried out apart from the primary courses, such as photography, videography, visual programming, website building etc. which you can enroll in to develop your skills further. 


Apart from a new type of curriculum and teaching method that one is exposed to while studying in a foreign land, there are many pros to studying in a different country; from discovering new people, and new cities to discovering a new way of life. There is a constant source of wonder and inspiration, with each day offering something novel. For instance, when I arrived in Nantes I was amazed to see the bus system of the city. There were three different buses with different types of eye-catching designs, where each type of bus design would indicate the different direction they were going to, this was the first time I was encountering something like this. There are ample other examples that make every day new while encountering new things.


Q: Did you learn French before going to France? What piece of advice would you consider giving to students who are inspired to Choose France as their study destination? 


A: Most of the people I encountered would speak English but learning French language is an essential part. Knowing the French Language would allow you to get along with local people easily. Also, it will remain an essential part of managing your day-to-day activities.


Q: The French network in India is working towards making the Indo-French Alumni connection stronger. What do you expect from the Alumni network?


A: I would suggest a better connection with the Alumni. This can happen in multiple ways and one of them is frequent events. Moreover, during the event, especially for the alumni from art and craft, design and other related field, there can be an exhibition of their work, that will allow them to present their work to fellow alumni and to connect with the other alumni from the same field. 


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