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Soirée France Alumni - Discussions, Ideas and kickstarting 2023!

31 January 2023 Community
View 57 times

On Monday 23 January, a Soirée France Alumni was held at India Habitat Center, New Delhi following the projection of the movie Skies of Lebanon/Sous le ciel d'Alice and a discussion with the director - Chloé MAZLO.
With over 40 alumni present, it was a moment of networking and kick-starting 2023 with new associations and opportunities. Mr Emmanuel LEBRUN-DAMIENS, Counsellor for Education, Science & Culture welcomed the group and talked about the importance of Alumni network and having a platform to discuss and deliberate on projects and ideas.
The alumni also had the opportunity to meet several representatives from within the French network in India (Business France, IFCCI and the Embassy of France in India).
With the first soirée of the year being a success, the French Institute in India looks forward to hosting more such events for the ever growing Alumni community and having more such occasions to strengthen the ties between India and France.


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