Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) is a call to researchers and students, entrepreneurs, associations and NGOs and all civil society to mobilize and join France to lead the fight against global warming.
Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers (Make Our Planet Great Again- 4th call)
Foreign researchers holding a doctoral degree for less than 5 years are encouraged to respond to this call for proposals.
A visiting fellowship agreement with the French host institution will be established between the institutions and the laureates. It will specify the means and resources made available by the host laboratory so that the researcher can carry out the research project.
The Research themes are the following : One Health - multidisciplinary research (animal health, human health, environmental health, as well as human and social sciences). Giving full potential to the One Health concept thus involves working on the interfaces between different sciences: human and veterinary medicine, agronomy, ecology, sociology, geography, etc.
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