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Scientific research and collaboration in the limelight during the 4th Forum of the French Researchers in Australia Network (FRAN)
4e Forum du Réseau des Chercheurs Français en Australie (FRAN

10 September 2015 Business
View 343 times

The 4th Forum of the French Researchers in Australia Network (FRAN) has successfully taken place in Brisbane on 24-25 August. The Forum aims to create a networking and discussion space for FRAN members, Australian scientists, and representatives of both French and Australian research institutions, economic sectors and government, and gathered 80 attendees on 24 August at Brisbane Customs House, and 50 attendees on 25 August at the Queensland Brain Institute.

On the evening of 24 August, a cocktail was organised at Sofitel Brisbane, allowing 100 attendees to network and discuss with guests of honour Anne-Yvonne LE DAIN and Thierry MARIANI, both Members of the French National Assembly.

The full program of the event is available in PDF format (link) and the PowerPoint slides used by the speakers have been made available (when possible) at the bottom of this article.

In its 4th Edition, the Forum focussed on a cross-disciplinary topic in direct relation with the 7th Challenge and the 1st Action Program of the French National Research Strategy (PDF link): Innovative ICT Research- Frontier knowledge for Global Challenges and particularly:

  • Data Mining and management of environmental resources
  • Bio-informatics for the Health sector

High-level speakers for a scientific and strategic dialogue

The first sequence of the Forum focussed on illustrating the far-reaching changes currently taking place in the French research/higher education/innovation ecosystem, and shwocasing the French research strengths in the field of ICT research

  • in Australia, through presentations by the FRAN members
  • in the Pacific region, through presentations by Mr. Pierre LABROSSE (Delegate for Research and Technology in New-Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna) and Dr. Nazha SELMAOUI FOLCHER (Professor at the Université of New-Caledonia)
  • in France, through presentations by Dr. Anne-Yvonne LE DAIN (Member of the French National Assembly and Vice-President of the Parliamentart Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Tehnological Options (link) and Pr. Philippe CODOGNET (Head of the CNRS Office in Tokyo and representative of the French Research Alliance on ICT Allistène (link (French)

Australia’s research strengths in ICT were also showcases through presentations by very high-level researchers, including Pr. Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG (Director of the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland), Pr. Jane HUNTER (Research Leader at the University of Queensland and Chair of the AAS National Committee on Data in Science), Pr. Mark RAGAN (Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence on Bio-informatics).
Australia’s and Queensland’s research strategy and priorities were also presented, by Mr. Cameron SLATYER (Australian Department of Industry and Science - link) and Mr. Andrew MILLS (Queensland Government CIO - link) respectively, in order to help identify existing synergies for a strong bilateral cooperation

Besides high-level research presentations, the economic and societal impacts of ICT research were also explored through a dedicated session, including in particular a presentation by Pr. Philippe CODOGNET of the French Consortium for Thematic Valorisation CVSTENE (link (French), which is closely linked to the French Research Alliance Allistène.

Scientific collaboration between France and Australia: trends, evolutions and role of the French scientific community

In a second sequence, the Forum tackled bilateral cooperation between France and Australia, and the role of FRAN in fostering partnerships and exchanges between our two countries.

Representatives of the Australian research funding bodies Mr. Justin WITHERS (Australia Research Council - link), Dr. Richele RASMUSSEN (National Health and Medical Research Council - link) and of the Australian government, Ms Emma LUKE (Australian Department of Industry and Science) presented the actions and strategies implemented by Australia to internationalise its research and reinforce its scientific cooperation with priority partners, currently being identified. The presentation of similar French initiatives and research strengths, both in Europe and closer to Australia, should participate in bringing our two countries even closer together.

Lastly, the final session focussed on the FRAN Network itself, and its perspectives for evolution. From an initial 60 membres when it was launched in late 2012, the network now counts over 470 membres and has reached a critical mass enabling its evolution towards a broader, more dynamic structure. This last session showcased examples of different researchers’ associations around the world and their specificities, in order to initiate a benchmark of possible FRAN evolution pathways and reinforce the Network’s impact in terms of support and valorisation of the French excellence in science and technology.

The feedback received so far is mostly positive and shows the Network’s maturity and its members’ ability to promote France as a strong and dynamic partner. The diversity of points of views, apparent synergies in research strategies and the quality of the dialogue between French and Australian representatives during the Forum illustrate Pr. Peter HOJ’s statement during his opening speech: in research and innovation, Publish or Perish has indeed been replaced by Partner and Prosper.

FRAN 2015 Speakers’ PowerPoint slides

Pr. Philippe Codognet: lien PDF
Pr. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg: lien PDF

Session 1: Data mining and management of environmental resources
Pr. Jane Hunter: lien PDF
Dr. Clothilde Langlais: lien PDF
Pr. Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher: lien PDF

Session 2: Bio-informatics for the Health Sector
Pr. Mark Ragan: lien PDF
Dr. Roxane Legaie: lien PDF
Dr Olivier Salvado: lien PDF
Dr Kim-Anh Le Cao: lien PDF
Pr Andrew Lonie: lien PDF

Session 3: Innovative ICT research from Economic and Social engagement perspectives
Dr. Dean Moss: lien PDF
Pr. Philippe Codognet: lien PDF
Mr Mario Pennisi: lien PDF
Dr Esteban Marcelin Saldana: lien PDF

Session 4: French scientific cooperation with Australia - state of play, trends and perspectives
Ms Anne Rouault: lien PDF
Ms Emma Luke: lien PDF
Mr Pierre Labrosse: lien PDF
Dr Richele Rasmussen: lien PDF

Session 5: The FRAN Network - Perspectives of development
Mr Thomas Biedermann: lien PDF
Dr Dimitri Perrin: lien PDF
Pr Luis Salvador-Carulla: lien PDF


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