Emerging jobs
Digital revolution, new environmental issues, markets globalisation... All these changes impact the labour market. Several new jobs already have a bright future ahead.
Data specialist: the wizards of Big Data
The consulting firm IDC announced is: in 2020, the volume of digital data should be ten times its current level. As such, Big Data specialists should become the stars of labour market.
They're called "Chief data officers" or "Big data architects", their official name is not yet defined. Their asset: high skills in various fields. They are at the same time developer, data analyst and statistician skilled in mathematics. They must analyse and be able to clarify through visualisation masses of various data, whether scientific, social, marketing or financial.
- Required skills: mathematics applied to statistics, IT engineering.
International mobility manager: HR manager without borders
Markets globalisation increased employees' international mobility. An International Officer, aka International mobility manager, must follow employees during their stays abroad, whether for a short mission or an expatriation. He defines the general conditions of mobility in a company and the expatriation or reception policy. As such, he is an expert in all issues regarding international mobility: law, social protection, taxation.
- Required skills: human resources, international law, intercultural management.
Large donor manager: the key to associative life
The general decrease of public financing in Western economies boosted the number of non-profit organisations. The financial health of those organisations is often in the hands of the large donor manager. As a direct link with donors, he is a financial lobbyist. He targets characters that support the same cause as the one of the association and identifies the potential large donors. His goal is to develop a network of prestigious ambassadors and retain the relation on the long term with generous benefactors.
- Required skills: communication, marketing, financial strategy, foreign languages.
Social Media manager: in the heart of social networks
Today, companies must take care of their e-reputation: a social media manager draws a communication strategy of a brand on the Web, depending on the marketing objectives. He doesn't intervene directly on the platforms: this is the role of the community manager.
- Required skills: marketing, journalism, digital strategy.
Photo credit: ©r2hox