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Total Immersion
Un projet ambitieux pour révolutionner l’apprentissage des langues étrangères !

05 June 2015 Business
View 287 times

A new venture with great aims of revolutionising foreign language learning!

Every foreign language learner has heard that there is no greater way to learn a language and understand a culture than by going to a country and immersing yourself completely. While this in-situ experience still remains the most effective means, there is now a great substitute for those who do not have the time or simply cannot afford the trip overseas. Total Immersion is revolutionising foreign language learning by bringing the authentic in-situ experience to Australian students.

What is Total Immersion?

Total Immersion is an educational organisation that provides authentic, intensive, and effective language and culture immersion experiences in Sydney. Offering retreat-style camps in a host of European and Asian languages, Total Immersion allows students to completely immerse themselves in a foreign language and culture, just as if they were living in that country.

By bringing the rich and fulfilling experience of in-country immersion to students in Sydney, Total Immersion allows students who are unable to enjoy overseas exchange to still benefit from an immersion experience.

One of the many language programs on offer is the French language Immersion Complete camps. With courses for Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional, and school-aged students, this program boasts comprehensive curriculums designed by qualified French teachers to meet industry standards. Grammar, pronunciation, and conversation workshops are run alongside a range of cultural studies and activities including French history, French cinéma, pétanque, and French cuisine classes to encourage a deep and holistic understanding of France’s language and culture.

The fully-catered camps offer students a taste of authentic traditional meals and regional specialities, while our enthusiastic native and bilingual educators, speaking only in French, help bring to life the authentic French experience to Sydney.

About the founder of Total Immersion: Madelyn Kugel

Madelyn Kugel is the 20-year-old founder of Total Immersion. She has agreed to say a few words to France Alumni Australie

about Total Immersion and other projects.


"Second language learning has been a passion of mine ever since I started learning French at the age of 4. I dedicated myself to my French studies throughout school, and began tutoring French privately for students of all ages and abilities during my final years. Working as a tutor opened my eyes to both the rewarding nature of second language teaching, as well as the difficulties and frustrations many Australian foreign language learners experience as a result of the impracticality of in-country immersion. 


"The idea for Total Immersion originated from this unforgettable first visit to France."


The idea for Total Immersion originated from an unforgettable first visit to France. I had studied French for 15 years before I had the opportunity to visit a francophone country. During my second year at university, I was given a scholarship to participate in an exchange to the Sorbonne University in Paris where I studied 4 fascinating and informative units on the French language and teaching French as a foreign language. Personally, as well as in terms of language acquisition, this exchange experience was invaluable!

Just as I had been unable to visit France for so many years, so too are many Australians unable to benefit from complete language immersion due to the impracticality or impossibility of travelling overseas and staying for extended periods of time. For these students, there is currently no equitable alternative to this in-country immersion; language meetups and interactions over Skype are among the few opportunities Australian foreign language learners have to practice language outside the classroom. With countless benefits for personal development, as well as for living in our interconnected world, foreign language learning needed to be revolutionised.

Both individuals and the wider community have so much to gain from improving foreign language learning; from the proven benefits of learning foreign languages on mental health and academic success, to the personally enriching exchange experience that then become available, to the sharing of cultural ideas, values, and practices within the Australian community. I also have hopes of one day writing a textbook for French language students."





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