Thursday 22nd November 2018 to 05:00 PM
The network France Alumni Suède celebrates its first anniversary
Organised by the group SwedenThanks for becoming a member of the network France Alumni Suède ! The Ambassador of France, David Cvach has the honor to invite you, members of the network, to a reception...
Saturday 21st April 2018 to 06:00 PM
Kulturnatt 2018 : Champagne Punk – Vogue Showcase Event
Organised by the group SwedenVälkommen till franska residenset – på Bromska Palatset – lördag 21 april från kl 18! Frankrikes ambassadör i Sverige, David Cvach, och det svenska urbana dansagentur Streetstar...
Thursday 22nd March 2018 to 04:00 PM to Friday 23rd March 2018 to 11:00 AM
Engineering Double Degree study and recruiting event
Organised by the group SwedenThis two-day event aims to be a networking opportunity and a chance to discover French-Swedish engineering degrees and exchange possibilities. A French/Swedish engineering Double...
Wednesday 21st March 2018 to 12:00 PM
Good France / Goût de France
Organised by the group SwedenGood France / Goût de FranceOn March 21st, take part in Good France / Goût de France, the largest dinner in the world celebrating french gastronomy.
Thursday 15th March 2018 to 01:00 PM
EU som studiedestination - fokus masterprogram
Organised by the group SwedenLOCKAR MASTERSTUDIER I EUROPA? Den 15 mars arrangerar Swedish International Students & Alumni (SISA) ett event där vi ger dig som är intresserad av att läsa en master utomlands...
Tuesday 21st November 2017 to 06:00 PM
Soirée de lancement du Club V.I.E Suède
Organised by the group SwedenLa Suède compte plus de 100 VI en 2017 et a vu passer plusieurs générations de volontaires depuis le lancement de ce programme en 2001. Il est temps de (re)créer un lieu de...
Friday 10th November 2017 to 11:00 PM
Organised by the group SwedenLes 8 et 10 novembre prochains, l’ultra prometteur Juveniles se produit respectivement en concert à Stockholm* (Kraken) et Malmö** (Moriska Paviljongen). Le phénomène électro-pop...
Friday 10th November 2017 to 10:00 AM
Journée franco-suédoise de la recherche
Organised by the group SwedenThe French Swedish Research Day 2017 is organized with Umeå University. The day is held on 10 November at Sliperiet, Umeå city center. The theme of the day is “Sustainable...
Wednesday 8th November 2017 to 07:00 PM
Organised by the group SwedenFrench act Juveniles released their first EP ”We Are Young” 2011 on amazing label ”Kitsuné” and then things really started to happend for them. They followed up with their debut...
Monday 6th November 2017 to Wednesday 15th November 2017
Study in France virtual fair
Organised by the group SwedenStudy in France Virtual education fair 6-15 November is a virtual education exhibition aimed at promoting 40 French higher education institutions and programs to prospective...
Thursday 2nd November 2017 to 06:30 PM to Wednesday 15th November 2017
Olivier Weber, lauréat du Prix Albert Londres, en Suède
Organised by the group SwedenÉcrivain, voyageur et grand reporter, ce ne sont pas les mots qui manquent pour décrire le parcours exceptionnel d’Olivier Weber. Distingué à maintes reprises pour ses travaux...
Thursday 26th October 2017 to 04:30 PM
Erasmus+ fyller 30
Organised by the group SwedenSedan lanseringen 1987, då elva länder och 3 200 studenter deltog, har det EU-finansierade Erasmus-programmet gett nio miljoner människor från 33 länder möjlighet att få nya...
Wednesday 11th October 2017 to 06:30 PM to Sunday 15th October 2017 to 05:15 PM
REX Animation film festival: 2017 edition
Organised by the group SwedenThe French Institute of Sweden, member of EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) Stockholm, organizes with 12 other institutes or cultural services of European...
Wednesday 27th September 2017 to 06:30 PM
Vänföreningen för svenska studenthemmet i Paris
Organised by the group SwedenMöt Sveriges ambassadör för mänskliga rättigheter Annika Ben David. Annika Ben David har en nyckelroll i Sveriges arbete för mänskliga rättigehter. Med en gedigen diplomatisk...
Wednesday 27th September 2017 to 05:00 PM
Afterwork: "C'est la vie!"
Organised by the group SwedenWelcome to French style afterwork “C’est la vie!” Bring friends and colleagues and enjoy a afterwork at the Sheraton Stockholm hotel. Admission free. Special prices on finger food...
Wednesday 27th September 2017 to 04:15 PM to Wednesday 29th November 2017
Ciné français Göteborg
Organised by the group SwedenLe cinéma Hagabion de Göteborg ouvre la nouvelle saison du Ciné Français. La première a lieu le 27 septembre. Puis, tous les mercredis à 18h30 jusqu’au 29 novembre inclus, le...
Monday 25th September 2017 to 08:30 AM
Big Data and Health
Organised by the group SwedenBig DataThe French Institutes of the Nordic countries hold a series of conferences around the "big data" theme this autumnTopics include: "Big data and energy" in Norway, "Big data and...
Friday 15th September 2017 to 06:00 PM
Opening “André Lhote and Swedish cubism”
Organised by the group SwedenFrance Alumni Suède offers five tickets for the opening of “Form and Color - André Lhote and Swedish cubism” at Waldemarsudde (Stockholm) on Friday September 15th at 18:00. Sign up...
Monday 11th September 2017 to 09:00 AM
Séminaire nordique : H2020 et médecine personnalisée
Organised by the group SwedenDans le cadre du challenge 1 du programme H2020 : « Santé, changement démographique et bien-être », les Instituts français des pays nordiques (Suède, Danemark et Norvège)...
Thursday 31st August 2017 to 07:30 PM
Édouard Louis
Organised by the group SwedenMeet the french author Édouard Louis (Histoire de la Violence, En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule) at Kulturhuset (Stockholm). Photo: John Foley Opale
Friday 14th July 2017 to 12:00 PM
14 July
Organised by the group SwedenOn the occasion of the French National Day Mr Gilles Barrier, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., invites members of France Alumni Suède to the 14th July reception at the French Residency in...
Saturday 17th June 2017 to 07:00 PM to Sunday 18th June 2017 to 03:00 AM
Philosophical Night
Organised by the group SwedenAre we all turning into cyborgs? Are we animals, humans or machines? How do we relate ethically to other living creatures? In June, you are invited to a night packed with talks,...
Friday 9th June 2017 to 10:00 PM
Organised by the group SwedenSuperpoze mixe à Stockholm pour la première foisLe phénomène électro Superpoze débarque à Stockholm le 9 juin à Slakthuset/Taket Superpoze, de son vrai nom Gabriel Legeleux, s’est fait connaître sur la scène électro à la vitesse...
Friday 9th June 2017 to 08:45 PM
La Suède et la France se rencontrent pour un match à enjeu
Organised by the group SwedenVendredi 9 juin, la football sera à l’honneur avec la rencontre Suède-France au stade Friends Arena à Solna. Il s’agit d’un match qualificatif pour la coupe du monde football en...
Wednesday 31st May 2017 to 05:00 PM
France Alumni Suède – launch event in Stockholm
Organised by the group SwedenThank you for joining France Alumni Suède! The French Ambassador in Sweden Jacques Lapouge is delighted to invite members of France Alumni Suède to celebrate the launch of the...
Tuesday 9th May 2017 to 06:30 PM
Rencontre avec l’écrivain Olivier Truc
Organised by the group SwedenL’Alliance française d’Östersund a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à une rencontre avec Olivier Truc, écrivain et journaliste français, le mardi 9 mai 2017 à 18.30 au...
Tuesday 18th April 2017 to 06:00 PM to Wednesday 19th April 2017 to 09:00 PM
Conférences de Bernard Magnier
Organised by the group SwedenÉcrire en français, venir d’ailleurs Bernard Magnier, spécialiste des littératures africaines et caribéennes écrites en français, donne deux conférences publiques, les 18 et 19 avril, respectivement à Stockholm et...
Friday 7th April 2017 to 05:00 PM to Sunday 9th April 2017 to 04:40 PM
Les artistes français présents au STREETSTAR International Festival 2017
Organised by the group SwedenL’édition 2017 du STREETSTAR International Festival a lieu cette année du 7 au 9 avril inclus. La compétition prend ses quartiers dans l’un des clubs les plus célèbres de Stockholm...
Tuesday 21st March 2017 to Wednesday 22nd March 2017 to 01:00 AM
Goût de / Good France revient
Organised by the group SwedenAprès le succès de l’édition 2016, l’opération internationale Goût de / Good France est de retour, le 21 mars 2017. Une occasion unique de savourer et faire savourer la France ! 24...
Wednesday 1st March 2017 to 12:40 AM to Friday 31st March 2017
Organised by the group SwedenFrankofoniFrankofonimånaden i Sverige är en händelserik period för alla Frankrikevänner och franskspråkiga. Under en hel månad anordnas konserter, konferenser, festivaler, utställningar och...